General Information

On December 1, 2023, by the Management Directive No. 1/12/2023, the “Regulations for Reporting Breaches of Law at ETP Elektro Sp. z.o.o.” were introduced.

What does this mean?
If you have information about a violation of generally applicable laws or a breach of internal regulations at ETP Elektro Sp. z o.o., you can report this fact using the internal channel for reporting breaches of law:

At this link, you can correspond in a confidential and encrypted manner!

Information on Reporting Breaches of Law

Remember to act in good faith and in the common interest.

You can find the full list of irregularities that you can report in our internal

Regulations, which are available here

Remember that every person who reports breaches of law is protected under the law for the protection of persons reporting breaches of law against retaliatory actions.

Not sure if your report is protected?
Visit to learn more.

On this site, you can also get preliminary legal advice on the reporting topic for free.


Jesteśmy wyspecjalizowaną firmą inżynieryjno-produkcyjną oferującą pełny łańcuch dostaw od projektu, przez wdrożenie, aż po obsługę posprzedażową.

ETP Elektro sp. z o.o.
Gliwicka 8,
47-240 Bierawa, Poland    

NIP 7491961970 
REGON 532457288 
KRS 0000216892 

ETP Elektro Sp. z o.o  jest zarejestrowane w Sądzie Rejonowym w Opolu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, wysokość kapitału zakładowego
15 470 000,00 zł

2021 © ETP Elektro | Design and coding by Brandobry

Important: Email domain change to from September 1st.
Landlines are inactive – please use new email addresses and mobile numbers. Details: or +48 606 269 547